MUSC College of Health Professions
Charleston, SC
Mashburn partnered with MUSC, the developer and the architect for design and construction management and general contracting of this complex project. The 90,000 SF design-build project included both historic restoration and new construction.
The renovation consisted of demolition of entire interior of a three-story, 42,000 SF historic structure. The interior was gutted and demolished and rebuilt for laboratory, classroom and office space; concurrently, the exterior brick and stone façade was braced and restored to original condition.
New construction consisted of a four-story, 40,000 SF building for laboratory, classroom and office space. An enclosed walkway connects the renovated and new buildings. Also included with the project was a 686 space pre-cast parking deck with 10,000 SF of retail space for physical therapy/occupational therapy space and book store.
All structures are supported by an extensive award-winning H pile system. The Pile Driving Council of America honored the project team with an award because of the historic nature of the High School and the challenges of dealing with the vibrations created by pile driven foundations next to the fragile, historic brick walls.